AWWA Flanges: Connecting the Flow of Water
​​​​​​​In the intricate network of pipes that deliver clean water to our homes and industries, AWWA flanges play a crucial role in ensuring secure and reliable connections. These specialized fittings, standardized by the American Water Works Association (AWWA), are designed to meet the specific demands of waterworks applications, ensuring the integrity of water transportation systems.
Understanding the Anatomy of an AWWA Flange
AWWA flanges are typically made of durable steel or stainless steel, materials that can withstand the rigors of water pressure and environmental conditions. They are available in various sizes, ranging from 4 inches to 144 inches in diameter, to accommodate the diverse needs of water distribution systems.
The distinguishing feature of AWWA flange lies in their dimensional specifications, which adhere to AWWA C207, a comprehensive standard developed specifically for waterworks applications. This standard ensures that AWWA flanges are compatible with AWWA-certified pipes and fittings, guaranteeing a seamless fit and consistent performance.
AWWA flanges come in two primary types: hub flanges and ring flanges. Hub flanges feature a raised hub that encircles the pipe, providing additional support and sealing strength. Ring flanges, on the other hand, are more compact and are often used in situations where space is limited.
A Closer Look at AWWA Flange Classes
AWWA flanges are further categorized into different classes, each designed for specific pressure applications. These classes range from Class B, suitable for lower pressures up to 86 psi, to Class D+, capable of handling pressures as high as 175 psi. The appropriate flange class selection is crucial for ensuring the safety and integrity of the water distribution system.
The Significance of AWWA Flange Certification
AWWA certification is a hallmark of quality and reliability in the waterworks industry. Flanges bearing the AWWA certification mark have undergone rigorous testing and inspection to ensure compliance with AWWA C207 standards. This certification provides assurance to engineers and contractors that AWWA flanges meet the stringent requirements of waterworks applications.
AWWA Flanges: Ensuring the Flow of Life
AWWA flanges are more than just simple fittings; they are the unsung heroes of the water infrastructure, silently ensuring the uninterrupted flow of life-sustaining water. Their adherence to AWWA standards and their ability to withstand the demands of waterworks applications make them indispensable components of modern water distribution systems.

AWWA Flange

AWWA Flange


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