House Movers NZ 님의 프로필

“Box Rental Operation”

 "Box Rental Operation"
Are you planning a move and not looking forward to having to buy or locate a ton of cardboard boxes to pack up everything you own? and then finding it difficult to decide what to do with every box after the relocation is finished?
House movers NZ has made the decision to add our Box Rental service to further simplify your moving experience. 

"Ready ,Set ,Pack!"

On the day of your move, we will personally deliver the boxes you require to your door. After that, we'll leave you to finish packing everything! (Just a friendly reminder that if you require assistance in this area as well, we also provide packing and unpacking services!) 
We'll return and retrieve the boxes you used after the relocation is finished and you've unpacked everything!

We launched this service to help you get through this challenging moving process, to relieve the burden of searching for boxes to use, and to protect the environment by reducing the amount of boxes thrown out at the end of a move! 
“Box Rental Operation”

“Box Rental Operation”


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