Menu Exercise - "Taco Martes"
For this project I utilized illustrator and built on previous knowledge about repetition and contrast. I was instructed to create a menu and logo for a restaurant of my choice. The requirements for this assignment were to have 6-8 items on the menu, for each item to include a title, price, and description, and to not exceed three colors or typefaces. To kickstart the design process, I brainstormed the desired aesthetic and the kind of food I want my menu to sell. Initially drawn to the cozy ambiance of a coffee shop, a shift in perspective led me to envision something more vibrant and original—a taco shop. Thus, 'Tacos Martes' was born, featuring an energetic color scheme of orange and navy-blue. Something that really inspired my creative process was sketching my menu layout on my iPad. Upon doing this, I decided I really enjoyed the sketchy look and decided to incorporate that in my final design. ​​​​​​​
Menu Exercise

Menu Exercise


Creative Fields