Ben Wilson 的个人资料

NMS Final Portfolio Project

NMS Final Portfolio
Throughout this semester we have worked with various medias to learn new skills and create projects that require us to use all of our skills effectively. The first project of the semester was making a short podcast that required the use of Adobe's Audition software. The podcast unit also required teamwork and collaboration as well as creativity to create a podcast that was both entertaining and informative. 
The next project was the creation of a halloween related movie based on Russian film montage. For the project we utilized Adobe's Premiere software and edited our own short films. It was challenging to not only think of how we wanted to structure our films, but also executing every individual shot. Overall, I believe this was my favorite project and it was very cool to see everything come together.
The two clips from above were both used in the film. These are unedited and left on their own to highlight the transformation that was done in Premier. The final project refined these elements and created a product that flowed as one individual project that told a story and held emotion.
To compliment our films, we also created movie posters and advertisements. For this we used Photoshop and various editing techniques. For me personally, this was the most difficult project of the year and understanding photoshop took more time than I expected. Overall, the product I created was not the best, but I was able to learn a lot about using Photoshop.
These two initial photoshop encapsulate my initial inability to manipulate images or use Photoshop. Eventually, I learned to better use the software and was able to create a final of much higher quality.
The final movie poster not only provided viewers with information about the film, but also used color and fonts to convey emotions. I think I could have done a better job, but the overall product was better than I expected.
Our final project of the year was a Twitch stream that was done in small groups. This project combined elements from our other various projects and took tons of group coordination. It was very difficult to learn the OBS software and other various elements of the project. I believe our final project was very successful and was both entertaining and well designed.
This link should take you to our Twitch page and allow you to watch our final project stream.
Overall, this class taught me a lot more than I expected to learn. I now have much better comprehension of the Adobe suite and think I can use many of these skills in the future.
NMS Final Portfolio Project

NMS Final Portfolio Project

