Perfil de Jaden Batenburg

2023 art challenge | ADUN PROMPT LIST

ADUN art challenge collection
In 2023 the Adventures United team and I made a list of prompts.
These prompts would be used to draw our original characters with.
So for example in January we will draw our oc as a different animal. 
These are mobian oc's version tho. Mobian oc's are (sonic oc's).
For each prompt we had the whole month. 
I will list the announcment message here as well and will share the character "normally". Each month we would draw our oc. sometimes we had to catch up due to Artfight, Hellotober but 4 of the 7 memebers managed to complegte it. I will only post mine tho. 
In 2023 we will start a new ADUN art challenge. Each month you draw your own main oc in the given theme of the month. You have a entire month draw this and if you missed the month you can always draw it in the next month. However once the year is over it's to late and you failed the challenge if you don't have 12 versions of your character.

1. You draw it yourself or commission / request someone outside of ADUN to draw it for you.
2. You don't have to colour it but it would be appreciated if you did and we allow traditional art as well.
3. For the following months there will be a discussion regarding design: Feb and June.
4. You have to make your own costumes so do not copy that of irl characters.
5. When posting your oc give them also a suitable name for the theme and art. Example: Lady Symphony in the fancy dress.
6. If you draw other oc's instead of main oc give reason too and if you have drawn more than one of please post the other in the regular chat and not here.
7. all art finished art pieces will be uploaded here.

My character
My character is some random animal hybrid fantasy creature by norm. We have a bat version of him. But for this challenge i wanted to draw this form more often. really getting his design down. I did draw him without wings in most prompts. I do college and artfight and hellotober so i had to make it easier from time to time.
January- Other animal 
Lyrexios the Bat pony. 

As other animal I made him a bat styled alicorn pony fantasy creature.
This would be so different from the casual animals and actually makes sense in his lore. Would be a fun easter egg to old times. 
Febuary- Anime Highschool
Mr. L.Jekyll
Teacher to class AD1
At ADUN High.​​​​​​​

In this prompt we made a deal in which my character would serve as the Teacher. 
Lyrexios would be the teacher and the other co's would be students. We made an own ADUN NEW LOGO and an anime highschool themed uniform.
The teacher has an alt clothing from the students but still a matching fit. 
I also made some alt drawings of the oc for his "lore" and funnies.
The blue and white one is dark from 1.0 and dark form 2.0.

Also later in this year I updated the yellow colour and re-did the yellow in older drawings. that's why the first prompt has a different yellow. 
March- Gladiator
The Shadow warrior of the coliseum!!!

This prompt was one of the coolest prompt to make.
The amount of effort we all stuffed into this prompt is amazing!
I went all out even shading area's and adding textures to show the pure roughness of the character in a Gladiator setting. 
Vibing hard in CHIPZ music while doing so.
We liked the concept so much I even doodles them again and that of my friends!

I also made a version of Zeirox for this prompt as well. 
April- Human version
Got not much to say other than a human version of Lyrexios.
Knowing he's actually a Tiefling in an other dimension. 
And how often i have drawn him as human... there is no difference to me really.
This was less of a challenge and more of a recap. 
May- Super heroes /villains
I think you already knew what team I'm on!

Nox the villain within the shadows.

The main thing with this prompt is that we joked about it. 
We made it a conection to the anime highschool prompt. 
where the teacher MR. Jekyll would teach them how to be heroes. 
which is funny...since he himself is a VILLAIN.
(oh the drama and LORE)
So a villain of shadows teaching the heroes.
Really liked it but also wondered if the Rei-ox colours would fit the best for this prompt.
went with the normal one. But did make an alt Rei-ox version.
and other versions to show the clothes better.
And ofc epic art gets epic 
June- Pirates
So, if Slash is captain Taby is the enemy and everyone else is crew member.... Then what am I?

I gotta admit. I don't like pirates. It's just not my cup of tea man!
So as a joke and funnies I made my oc the talking parrot of captain slash!

After this prompt art fight will follow and my art will get less time. so the last few prompt might be a bit less special or finshed. 
July- Jungle life
With the deepest part of the jungle. Moving from tree to tree hides a mythical being with an aim better than anyone. He's called the Ghost of the jungle.

This prompt was made later than the month it self due to ART FIGHT.
However I still tried to flex hard in design taking inspiration of the Navi from AVATAR.
I do archery myself as well. So giving him a bow was a no brainer. There are no other versions since I had to catch up but I really do like this design a lot and deem this as one of my favs from this years challenge!
August- Cowboy/ Western
No matter what new sheriff appeared in this town none could get their hands on the well known outlaw Dagon!

Not much of a cowboy guy either but at least I did more my best on this prompt compared to the pirates one. I totally be the outlaw causing hell in the western towns man. All yur money is now mine!
I also have not much of a time around these prompts since school started!
I'm doing a second college in arts so time will need to be cut short.
September- Cyberpunk
Project LG-1011,
Occupation assassin,

I like Cyberpunk!
I really do i went with a mix of Rei-ox, and Cytrox Lyrexios and cyborg Lyrexios.
Made a slight new design and loved drawing it even tho drawing guns is a pain in my ass! I still did it but due to prep for Hellotober and Hellotober itself I moved this art piece to November!! There for also no alt version of this piece even tho a Zeirox one and Rei-ox alt version would have been neat to have. But I had to catch up.
October- Goth / Emo 
It's your scene emo boi Stripes!

Can I make the guy more emo/ edgy???

I'm a goth/ emo irl. this was an easy one and since the oc is normally more Goth like I added more EMO elements into the mix. 
Scene emo to be fair. 
Other hair style and an alt version of the pants i already own in red black.
Really wanna have this in yellow and black. Bigger boots and in general I just want this fit IRL NOW!!! No alt version of this either since I had to catch up and had coms waiting at the door!
November- Sci-Fi / Space
Far beyond space and time roams a being who could grant you any wish
Lyrex the galactic one.
(idfk a good name for this man xD)

Finished this in December!!! Really living on the edge with the prompts man!!!!
But I did it!!

Everyone making something more cyber and spacesuit like while I hop in with straight up alien stuff! Made my man an alien and yes the facial scar is not there. That's not a mistake this art just would be before he gotten that scar. It also made him look more friendly funny man. Wish space alien. yeah that be fun!
December- Anti version
Far in a kingdom is a young prince Named Lyrexios.
Known for his charming personality.
 (background is a picture I took myself in Maastricht)

ADUN final art piece. Decembers anti version art
Fun fact... there is no alt universe versions of my oc...
they simply don't exist. So if anything this would just be him acting
((but this shit ain't cannon anyways))
But yeah I personally wanted Zeirox the be the ALT Lyrexios. 
Yet that wouldn't sit well with the team so we made him some prince with a good life and some charming personality. Hair short, good manners friendly character....

never make me draw this again pls!!!!
And that's a rap!

2023 all drawings have been made!
4 of the 7 people did finish it. 
We will def make a new prompt list in 2024.
We will probably even switch characters drawing each other or such. It be fun to make it more difficult and get new themes to draw in. It was a big fun to make this and hopefully we can get the next calendar going soon.
Thanks for reading all and have a great end of 2023!
2023 art challenge | ADUN PROMPT LIST

2023 art challenge | ADUN PROMPT LIST



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