My experience at MOPA was underwhelming because the exhibits and the museum weren’t that big. The overall exhibits were interesting I enjoyed the main exhibit of the photographer with a lot of the shots of the world. Whether it was of animals, nature, people, or even the earth they were all detailed and linked. For the actual assignment finding photos that we had to recreate from the exhibit was hard to do because a good portion of the photos in the exhibits were impossible to recreate, but having to find workarounds was kind of fun to do. The photos I decided to recreate were the ones that just stuck out to me the most and I felt I had ideas of what I could do to make my best interpretation of it. My favorite photos though were all of the photos of the animals just because they were very different and I’ve never really seen like studio shots of animals that way. Most of the photos of animals are candid or usually in nature so seeing it in that light was fun to see. Overall, the museum was cool to see because I had never been to a photographic museum before. To see whole exhibits dedicated to one certain topic or theme was cool to see. I would want to go back when they have other exhibits, however, because the ones there just weren’t my favorite. I think for me personally, for museums I enjoy looking at paintings more just because seeing that paint and detail in person is a lot different than online. Rather than a museum like this, I found it a little forgettable and are all photos I could search up and see, but still cool to see.
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