About Signature

Signature Plumbing and Heating is one of the ⭐️ top rated Plumbing, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning service provider in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada 🇨🇦 .

• They are in business for more than 13+ years.
• Reputation for consistently achieving 100% five-star reviews.
Four-time consecutive winner of the Best of TrustedPros Award.
• Red Seal Certified Plumbing & HVAC Professionals - Committed to the Canadian National Standard of Excellence.

Problem Statements

• No Brand Identity.
• Lack of Brand Awareness.
• Outdated Visuals.

First Thought

We recognized Signature Plumbing & Heating as Regina's premier HVAC contractor and set out to create a visual identity that would be both simple and memorable, while carrying deep meaning.

We wanted to incorporate elements that resonate with Canadians and reflect their values—things they care about, love, take pride in, and trust.

What symbolizes these values better than the iconic 🍁 Maple Leaf?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Our primary objective is to create a distinctive and memorable BrandMark with the Maple Leaf and Letter “S”.

Ensuring it reflects core values like-

• Satisfaction        ​​​​​​​• Protection        ​​​​​​​• Leading        • Emergency        ​​​​​​​• Trust        ​​​​​​​• Simplicity.

Our goal is to encapsulate these attributes in a visually compelling and unique brand identity.​​​​​​​


In development, We thoughtfully integrated
the royal symbolism of the Maple leaf, subtly forming a crown 👑.

Along with the letter 'S' creatively designed in the shape of a smiley 🙂.

Client / Signature Plumbing & Heating
Location / Regina, Saskatchewan
Project / Brand identity & Van Wrap
Jan 2024
© All rights reserved.

We are open for HVAC Branding and Web Design projects.

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Signature Branding


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Signature Branding

Signature Plumbing and Heating is one of the ⭐️ top rated Plumbing, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning service provider in Regina, Saskatc 자세히 보기
