The Alliance Website

Welcome to the Alliance, a renowned Swedish esports organisation known for its competitive edge across popular video games. Since its inception, Alliance has soared to greatness, claiming the prestigious Aegis of Champions during The International 2013 under the leadership of Jonathan "Loda" Berg.

Now, with a fresh vision and partnership with us, Alliance is geared up for an exhilarating digital transformation by redesigning the team's website. The challenge was clear: transition from the conventional corporate website to a platform that resonates with the heart of gaming.

Alliance and we collaborated to develop a website that portrays a gaming-centric theme. The world of cybersport inspired the design, featuring dark contrasts, neon lights, animations, and voluminous elements. The new Alliance website is a stunning spectacle and immerses users in the gaming industry's essence while staying true to Alliance's identity. The redesign highlights the importance of fans to any esports organization, and the website now features a dedicated section showcasing exclusive merchandise, providing fans with an opportunity to show their support. Our approach was centered around the players, who are the true champions of the gaming arena. We highlight their achievements, stories, personalities, and teams, creating a player-centered platform that resonates with fans and the gaming community.

The Alliance website now stands as a testament to the values shared by the gaming community—passion, dedication, and boundless excitement.

We have strengthened Alliance's bond with its fans, creating a vibrant community of allies who share a love for gaming. Putting the players at the forefront and celebrating their unique identities makes them closer to the community while revealing their openness.
At Hexagon, we take immense pride in collaborating with clients like Alliance, who aspire to change and shape industries for users worldwide.

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The Alliance Website