Joey Kowalczewski 님의 프로필

SanDisk Sansa Created in Fusion360

SanDisk Sansa C200 Remastered in Fusion360 
(Below): 3D rendering of SanDisk Sansa C200
"Riding to school early in the morning as a little kid with my Mom driving, I would pull out my mp3 player she provided me with and put my headphones in. Funny enough, she uploaded the songs to it without any of my input, so I would be listening to John Lennon, The Beatles, and Al Green on my way...occasionally, Green Day, as well. Those were some of the best times I've ever had." ~ Creator, Joey Kowalczewski
Due to his nostalgic and loving attachments to the SanDisk Sansa C200, SanDisk's fourth model in the five-plus lineup, he decided to create another one for himself to have. Thankfully, he is learning how to use 3D design and model platform, Fusion360, and can form one within' it. 
(Above): Actual Model of a SanDisk Sansa C200 
To begin, Joey formed the base of the mp3 player using the form environment feature in Fusion360, where one can morph shapes into their desired form.
Following the finishing of the base form, he aimed to design the LCD screen situated towards the left-middle section of the front. He chose this path rather than designing the controls because it forms a majority of the front and can base other parts in regard to it. 
Upon completing the screen and importing an original late 2000's SanDisk logo through the decal function in Fusion360, he proceeded to create the toggles all around the mp3. He used this SanDisk Sansa user manual as a guide. 
(Above): SanDisk Sansa User Manual Diagram
(Above): Images detailing the multiple buttons and volume bar
Upon having completed the user interface of the mp3 player, there were still significant touches to be made so one could interact with the device and not just view it. 
(Above): An animation detailing the joints of the mp3 player 
(Above): A set of views curated in Fusion360's drawing environment
Joey Kowalczewski has been working on several projects for classes in the last weeks of his fall semester in college, but this was his favorite out of all. 
SanDisk Sansa Created in Fusion360

SanDisk Sansa Created in Fusion360


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