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The Art of Marble Installation

The Art of Marble Installation: Transforming Spaces into Luxurious Havens

Marble is a beautiful natural stone that can add a certain level of elegance and beauty to any kind of kitchen or bathroom space. It has a timeless charm that interior decorators have trusted and relied upon for generations. Our team at Midwest Marble + Granite + Quartz is at the forefront of offering premium quality and affordable custom marble countertops. We want to ensure you have the best marble installations for your living space.

One of the attributes that sets marble apart from other materials for kitchen countertop installation is the ambient temperature of around 62°F Fahrenheit. This is a fantastic setting that culinary artists appreciate because it allows the marble to absorb heat efficiently while creating an ideal surface for rolling dough. In other words, if you are an at-home cooking enthusiast, you will love marble installation.

Marble countertops also offer more than just an aesthetic enhancement. This is a quality investment in the future value of your home. Whenever you are reassessing your home value for a loan or refinance option, or if you’re looking to put it on the market, having marble features often commands a higher price. This is because marble is both heat resistant to any accidentally hot pots or pans that get left on the surface as well as beautiful to look at.

If you want to see more about how a marble installation would work in your home, you should check out our virtual kitchen design tool. This tool allows you to see the various forms of kitchen layout we use and the variety of color cabinets, backsplashes, or countertops you can choose from. That interactive experience gives you a better idea of how your marble installation will look once we’re done with your project.

You should also think a little about the countertop finish you choose for your marble installation. We offer everything from a polished finish that has a smooth surface and a glossy appearance to a more subtle look like the honed finish, which is less shiny but has a more natural appearance.

For clients who prefer a more contemporary style, they should look at the concrete finish. This adds a lightly textured surface with a bit of graininess that gives it a modern feel. There’s also a leather or brushed finish that has a tactile appearance. It is a slightly bumpy surface, perfect for anybody who prefers a more rustic style.

The art of marble installation is more than simply finding the right piece of stone to fit your living space. The subtle nuance of getting the installation into the right location and then complemented with the best accessories is what sets our team apart from the rest.

At Midwest Marble + Granite + Quartz, we understand how to combine this art form with quality, affordability, and customization to your specific needs. Whether you are a burgeoning culinary enthusiast, home designer, or someone who wants to enhance your property's value, we have you covered.

Reach out to our team today, and let's discuss a quote that is perfect for you.

The Art of Marble Installation

The Art of Marble Installation


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