Профиль Jalal Shadi

Lagos: Flooding City (Hanging Gardens of Tomorrow)

Project Data

International (Idea) Competition
Year:  Jun. 2022 - Sep. 2022
Location:  Lagos, Nigeria
In Collaboration with:  Morteza Mirgholami, Jafar Sadegh Nouri, Mahya Hassani
Role in Team:  Idea, Presentation

The proposing structure create open spaces in different levels that attract different groups and work as suspending plazas like the hanging gardens of Babylon to increase sociability. It also uses the Micro-climate of the area to increase the green spaces and control flood speed and behavior. The proposed structures are flexible (either formal or functional) and regenerative, so they can be extended and developed by time based on the needs and requirements of families and accommodate different activities during the day and night times, so people would develop a sense of attachment to their residential environment through a participatory process. The gradual growth and extension of the proposed complex also allows people to adapt themselves with new lifestyle so this is a sustainable project both environmentally and economically.
These renders and Cover image are part of the materials that were sent.
Lagos: Flooding City (Hanging Gardens of Tomorrow)

Lagos: Flooding City (Hanging Gardens of Tomorrow)
