Profil appartenant à Emanuele Sabetta

Liberato x Voiello - Miez'o Mare

A stage on the sea in front of the Lingua beach in Procida: the choice already of the location for Liberato's Secret Show is definitely out of the boxand deeply linked to the island territory. Its amplification through Live Streaming is only the most evident part of the collaboration between the brand and the Neapolitan talent.

Agency: Marimo
Art Director: Andrea Magno
Copywriter: Teresa De Bello
Graphic Designer: Lorenzo De Angelis, Alice Duranti, Alessio Palazzi
Direttori Creativi: Mariano Lombardi & Anna Di Cintio
Creative Video Director | Motion designer: Emanuele Sabetta
Chief Creative Officer: Paola Manfroni
General Manager: Giovanna Ridenti
Account Team: Arianna Menghi, Vanessa Carrieri, Alessandro Mettimano
Digital Strategist: Domenico D’Elia
Social Media Manager: Stefano Bizzarri
Event management: Living Brands
Regia Streaming: Giorgio Testi
Produzione video e tecnica live streaming: Andrea Basile Works
Fotografo: Glauco Canalis
Entertainment & Sports Marketing Agency: FUSE
Media Agency: OMD
Attività PR/Ufficio Stampa: Omnicom PR Group
Music Artist: LIBERATO
Music Artist Record Label: Bomba Dischi
Regia video teasing: Francesco Lettieri

Client: Voiello - Barilla
Liberato x Voiello - Miez'o Mare
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Liberato x Voiello - Miez'o Mare

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