This year I decided to take part in Inktober 2023 art-marathon. Participants could choose whether to draw 31 illustrations (one every day on a given topic) or to choose 5 topics. I decided to make 5 illustrations and here are the topics I chose: Spiders, Path, Map, Castle, Fire.
1. Spiders. When looking for the reference I saw these two cute spiders and this is what I came up with. A little bit of romance makes them even cuter.
2. When thinking about Path I was looking for the reference and saw some beautiful photos of roads, moon path on water and a path of stones in a pond. It made me think, that there are so many kinds of paths, so I decided to use it as a metaphor and draw “The path of an artist"
3. Map. This time I decided to combine three different types of maps: a treasure map, a palm as it is considered to be a human’s life map and a map of the night sky, as stars are known to be used in marine navigation.
4. Castle. The idea of this painting is to show that the life of an adult changes when he or she becomes a parent. A boring old castle can turn into a colourful sweet cake, a dragon is no more frightening, it’s just a balloon.
5. Fire. I saw this cosy photo when looking for a fire reference and decided to draw it in the old books style with engravings. Adding the warmth of the yellow colour makes the illustration seem as if it’s coming to life.
Inktober 2023


Inktober 2023

This year I took part in Inktober 2023 art-marathon. The task was to draw or paint on paper anything, depicting the given topics. A participant c Read More
