Profil użytkownika „Emi Hiraki”

The Birth of Blender's Masterpieces

A Cinematic Saga Unveiled: The Birth of Blender's Masterpieces
In the realm of digital creation, a symphony of pixels unfolded, giving birth to masterpieces that defy conventional classification. Enter the epoch of Blender, a cauldron of creativity where the Barrel of Jello, the enigmatic Arch named 'Is It a Barrel or Is It an Arch?', the elemental Metal Chest of Mystery, the ethereal Table with the Lamp, and the poetic Flower named 'Let the Flower Bloom' came into existence.
The Barrel of Jello: A Gelatinous Overture
In the throes of digital sculpting, the Barrel of Jello emerged, a gelatinous marvel that transcends the boundaries of material existence. Its contours dance with the fluidity of imagination, blurring the lines between reality and the surreal. Behold, a vessel of sweet chaos rendered in pixels!
This barrel was made by a basic cilinder shape. With the use of extrude and bevel it was shaped as a barrel. This was one of the first things i made in blender.
Is It a Barrel or Is It an Arch?: The Identity Conundrum
A conceptual marvel, the Arch left the onlookers in bewilderment, challenging the very essence of its being. Is it a barrel defying its cylindrical fate or an arch transcending its architectural lineage? A profound query echoed through the corridors of virtual creation, leaving artists and admirers pondering the metaphysical boundaries of form.
This arch was difficult. but with the help of my classmates i made it. Though i still find this complex. The most difficult thing was that the preview of the arch my barrel was. That  explains the name.
The Metal Chest of Mystery: An Enigmatic Enclosure
Forged in the fires of artistic curiosity, the Metal Chest of Mystery emerged, its metallic sheen reflecting the enigma within. Locked away are secrets and wonders, awaiting the brave souls who dare to unlock the mysteries concealed within its digital confines.
The Chest was fun to make. With lots of trial and error i created something i can be proud of. We did find out that the lights can clip with the edges.
Table with the Lamp: Illuminating Elegance
The Table with the Lamp, a digital chiaroscuro, casts shadows that weave tales of elegance. A testament to the marriage of light and shadow, it stands as a beacon of sophistication in the virtual landscape. Witness the interplay of luminescence, a dance of photons painting a canvas of timeless allure.
The table with a lamp was one of the more easier ones. This was made with the basic shapes in blender. The magic happens with the effects. That i now can add to anything.
Let the Flower Bloom: A Poetic Petal Ballet
In the garden of virtual creation, a flower named 'Let the Flower Bloom' unfurled its petals with poetic grace. Each pixelated petal danced in harmony, whispering tales of growth, resilience, and the beauty inherent in the cyclical nature of life.
This was the final thing i made. The main flower petals were a struggle. But i did eventually get it. And putting this in the sketchfab was a nightmare. And i had a few extra minutes so i aded a shell shading. I got some struggles but i eventually figured it out!
As the virtual sun sets on this one-year milestone, Blender stands as a testament to the limitless possibilities of digital artistry. The Barrel of Jello, the Arch, the Metal Chest of Mystery, the Table with the Lamp, and the Flower named 'Let the Flower Bloom' serve as immortalized symbols of creativity unbound, beckoning future artists to embark on their own journeys of pixelated expression.

The End
Emi Hiraki. 30-11-2023
The Birth of Blender's Masterpieces

The Birth of Blender's Masterpieces
