Profil von Hioh. Studio

N/A CAFÉ 無關咖啡

N/A CAFÉ  無關咖啡
在一個看似無窮無盡的複選框和一致性的世界中,「無關」作為例行公事中的斷點出現,對預期的破壞。 這不僅僅是一家咖啡店; 它是自由精神、夢想家和叛逆者的庇護所,他們在意外中找到安慰,在無關緊要的事情中找到快樂。

In a world that often seems like an endless stream of checkboxes and conformity, "NOT APPLICABLE" emerged as a breakpoint in the routine, a disruption in the expected. This isn't just a coffee shop; it's a sanctuary for the free spirits, the dreamers, and the rebels who find solace in the unexpected and joy in the irrelevant.
我們相信,生命中最有意義的時刻往往發生在邊緣,發生在應該發生的事情和實際發生的事情之間的空間。 我們提供意想不到的風味組合和無法歸類的飲品。 每一杯都訴說著一個故事,一個擺脫預期、擁抱無關緊要的愉悅故事。
We believe that life's most meaningful moments often happen in the margins, in the spaces between what's supposed to happen and what actually does. Our menu is a testament to this philosophy, featuring unexpected flavor combinations and drinks that defy categorization . Each cup tells a story, a story of breaking free from the expected and embracing the joy of the irrelevant.

Where every cup is a rebellion, every moment is a celebration, and where being irrelevant is the most significant thing you can be.
N/A CAFÉ 無關咖啡


N/A CAFÉ 無關咖啡
