These graphics are from a set weekly task within my university course Design Concepts (1536QCA). For this particular task, we were asked to start a ‘Make Something 365’ project for a week, and document the seven days. This task was inspired by the ‘Skull-A-Day’ example we were provided with in class and within course content.

I decided that I wanted to do something worthwhile to my Design degree major - Graphic Design and Communication, but blend in my other passion in sport and Business degree major -Sports Management. With this in mind, I used my daily set aside time during my week to experiment and practice with Adobe, in particular Adobe Photoshop. Because of my mentioned love for sport and my aspirations to be in the sport design industry, I was committed to creating player graphics of my brother using photos I had taken of him throughout his most recent AFL seasons. He is quite chuffed. I found inspiration off Pinterest and adapted them to make versions of my own, strengthening my Adobe abilities and getting quicker at certain skills as the week went on.

