For my final project in CRT 101, I decided to create the RetroArt shirt. This is a shirt that changes designs when a button is pressed. I wanted to create a shirt that had multiple designs rather than just a single one that today's boring t-shirts do. 
Above are a couple of steps through the design process. I began by sketching out what I wanted, then I made a rough drawing on a t-shirt, followed by a form prototype of what would go inside the shirt. One of the biggest challenges in making this shirt was sewing the pouch that the electronics would go into on the inside of the shirt. I spent many hours trying to get it correct. 
During user testing, I got a lot of good feedback from my friends, which included Pierce, Ryan, Nathan, and my sister who recently visited. They all really liked the concept, but felt the circuit made the shirt too heavy in the front. We also found during user testing that the matrix falls when the shirt is on, causing some discomfort. Finally, my sister wanted to see some other designs, like different logos for different sports teams or colleges. 
The RetroArt Shirt

The RetroArt Shirt
