In Sri Lanka, Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported (IUU) fishing activities have a large negative impact on Small-scale and Subsistence Fisheries (SSF) due to the consumer not being able to differentiate between the two at the point of purchase.

This project aims to give ownership (Ayithiya) back to SSFs by helping the consumer identify illegal catch next to sustainably sourced catch.
This is done via three products we identified that were used during the process of selling catch and modifying them to identify traces of cyanide left in the catch that is sourced illegally through the mechanism of paper chromatography and colorimetric analysis.
A solution board that details the use of the product range:
We also created a detailed infographic that shows the gravity and extent of this wicked problem as we know it.
Finally, we also created a short film that narrates the first-hand experiences and woes of a Small-scale and subsistence fisherman in relation to Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing as well as the proposed products in use.
The brand identity of Ayithiya:

