Stefania Carnevales profil

Living exhibition centre

Interactive book: Living exhibition centre
The Living Exhibition Center stands as a testament to my passion for pushing the boundaries of visual design and technology. This project was a culmination of my creative journey during my graduation year, where I sought to transform the traditional concept of a book into a captivating multisensory experience.
At its core, the Living Exhibition Center is not just a book; it's an immersive journey that bridges the gap between art, culture, and technology. Blending the realms of Augmented Reality (AR), animation, and intricate pop-up techniques, the project aimed to establish an unparalleled interactive connection between the reader and the content.
Key features
AR Integration: By integrating AR elements, the book's pages came to life, transcending the confines of paper. Readers were able to explore virtual extensions of the exhibition center.

Dynamic Animation: The fusion of animation and print breathed life into the static pages.

Pop-up Enchantment: The tactile marvel of pop-up design added a tangible dimension to the experience. Every turn of the page unveiled a new surprise, evoking a sense of wonder akin to exploring an actual exhibition.
Impact & Achievements
The Living Exhibition Center was more than a project; it was a groundbreaking endeavor that earned recognition and accolades. Its innovative approach garnered attention not only from the design community but also from technology enthusiasts and art connoisseurs.

This project pushed me to explore the limitless possibilities at the intersection of design, art, and technology. It affirmed my belief that creativity knows no bounds when fueled by passion and a relentless desire to innovate.
As I look back on the Living Exhibition Center, I'm reminded of the transformative power of visual design to reshape experiences. It serves as a reminder of the exciting journey I embarked upon during my academic years, setting the tone for the dynamic and ever-evolving path I continue to tread as a Visual and UI/UX designer.
Living exhibition centre


Living exhibition centre
