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17 Best Free Winter Activities For Kids

17 Best Free Winter Activities For Kids

As a mom of three, I have tried and tested dozens of snow-friendly activities with my family. Surprisingly, some of the most enjoyable ones were the activities that cost us nothing! 

I have compiled a list of the best free activities that my kids and I enjoy whenever the winter months knock at our door. Whether you have several kids like me or only one to occupy, you’ll surely find pastime projects to add to your list! 

Outdoor Winter Adventures 

Build A Snowman 

Let’s start with the classic build-a-snowman. 

Everybody knows it’s a must-have activity for kids during winter. However, why settle for the standard snowman with a carrot nose and stick arms? 

I highly recommend adding a fun twist to this project. 

For example, you can hold a competition to see who can make the most creative snowman, snow warrior, or snow princess.

You could even build a copycat of Olaf from Frozen to be the judge!

Scavenger Hunt 

My kids and I are huge fans of scavenger hunts. So much so that we’ve even tried them virtually! 

And, of course, our family also loves finding ways to have this fun and interactive activity during winter. 

Trust me. Planning a scavenger hunt is easier than you might think! 

Simply create a list of winter items that you want the game players to scavenge for. Then, set a timer to see who can find the most hidden items in a limited timeframe. 

To make this activity more challenging, try hiding props under the snow and encourage scavengers to dig them up! 

If you want to enjoy this activity ASAP, with the least effort, check out my printable winter scavenger hunt. 

Outdoor Winter Adventures 

Painting Snow 

Do you know what undisturbed snow-filled lawns, driveways, or parks sometimes look like?

A giant white canvas waiting to be filled with colorful paint. So, why not give your children creative freedom during winter and let them paint the snow? 

All you need to do is mix up water and food coloring to make “snow paint,” then give your kids paintbrushes to unleash the snow painters within them! 

My favorite part about this activity is that you can do it inside and outside the house. 

To make snow painting an indoor winter craft, simply scoop snow into a spare container and let your children paint the snow you’ve prepared in the comfort of your home! 

Design Ice Wreaths 

Another awesome creative winter activity is to design ice wreaths with your children.
It’s as easy as freezing a bundt pan filled with water and winter items such as pines, branches, ribbons, or even fruit slices and dried flowers! 

You have a giant freezer outdoors, so freeing a spot in your refrigerator is unnecessary. 

Once everything inside your pan freezes, simply remove the wreath-shaped ice and hang it outside the house for a unique token of your family’s creativity. 

Note: Any pan can be used for this project. But a bundt pan just makes it super easy for your wreath to have a hole in the middle. 
Outdoor Winter Adventures 

Let’s face it. We, moms, don’t have the same energy level as our children. So, if you’re looking for laid-back winter activities, creating a mini-classroom in your bedroom or living room isn’t a bad idea. 

That said, here are some educational, non-energy-draining activities for your little ones. 

Study Snowflakes 

Many kids are fascinated by snowflakes, and there’s no better time to learn about them than in winter. You can approach this learning session in any way you like. 

So, teach your kids on your own or have them watch an informational video about this winter wonder while you get your well-deserved rest! 

17 Best Free Winter Activities For Kids


17 Best Free Winter Activities For Kids


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