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GIZ Python Programmers for Animation Callout

Python for Animation 
callout campaign
Brief: The next generation of technical directors with a special focus on Python application in animation processes. Overview: "We are embarking on a transformative project that blends technology, creativity, and innovation to empower python TVET and University graduates with the necessary skills to excel in the burgeoning South African animation industry. This rigorous programme, meticulously designed to nurture both technical skills and creative talents, is seeking enthusiastic participants ready to dive into the world of Python-driven animation." 

Deliverables: A poster for print, a poster for social media, web banner for the website and web-form, social media graphics.

I as the designer took all this information and used it to guide my creative direction and below is what I provided for the client. This was one of my shorter campaigns due to the less amount of deliverables but I am still extremely proud of how it turned out. 
Python Animation Callout 
Graphic Poster
The poster has its layout with a descriptive title centered at the top, I made sure to not make it too lengthy as it was more about pulling the viewer in using imagery and not words. On either side of the title are illustrations of a cartoon hand and a mouse cursor on the left, on the right of the title is a paper plane and stylus. The hand represents the typical Disney glove which we have come to associate with animation. The mouse cursor represents the use of computers which is something the target audience, python programmers, would recognize immediately. The paper plane shows motion which is a fundamental of animation as it can be defined as pictures in motion and the stylus is a pen used for painting and illustrating in digital platforms. On the extreme left of the poster is a depiction of a generic window on a computer and on the extreme right of the poster is a drawing pad which goes hand-in-hand with the stylus right above it. All things illustrated on the forefront of this poster are things that are intended on communicating the emphasis of animation as a requirement for this callout. All the aforementioned subjects surround the Python program logo as it is the key factor and main medium in which the animations will be created in, all those who are familiar with the logo will be able to tie together the new marriage between animation and Python programming. The colours I used in this design are all derived from the South African Flag as the brief had emphasized that this was a new medium of animation in South Africa - as a South African myself I was extremely excited to slip this Easter egg in.
Python Animation Callout 
Graphic Poster with info
This poster is the very similar to the graphic poster above with the difference being the white background to create legibility for the newly added information on how and where the applicants can apply for their chance at becoming a part of the cohort.
Python Animation Callout 
Website/Web-form banner
This is just a simple banner for web which simplifies the graphic poster while still tying the visual identity together. I also made sure the sponsors of the course were given proper emphasis.
Python Animation Callout 
Social Media Graphic info Poster
This design is a miniature version of the info poster above. It is inteded to give the viewer all the info of the callout before they feel the need to scroll past our advertisement. 
Python Animation Callout 
Social Media Graphic Poster
This is a watered down version of the main poster, it uses less of the subject matter, less text and info but I feel it still gets you intrigued in what the call out is about. Again the emphasis is on the Python logo, and tools for animation. The main aim for this graphic is to get viewers to engage with the caption which describes the callout in greater detail.
GIZ Python Programmers for Animation Callout


GIZ Python Programmers for Animation Callout

