Natalia Kekelias profil

"Tea with Lemon:Relief for Flu", 2023

  Whenever I have the flu, I find solace in indulging in a comforting cup of tea infused with the zesty essence of lemons. Surprisingly, this remedy never fails to bring relief, transforming my ailment into a distant memory. Let me share my tale of the ultimate flu cure—lemons. In my hometown, nestled within my grandmother's garden, thrive vibrant lemon trees. During my visits, I make it a ritual to pluck these golden treasures, stockpiling them for the impending winter. When the craving for lemon-infused tea strikes, I simply descend the stairs, retrieve the citrus gems, and infuse my tea with their invigorating flavor. This ritual has woven into my identity, and so, I proudly declare myself the lemon girl.
Here are some of my sketches made in different techniques for the final project.
 Pencil, Ink and watercolors
Ink and pencil
Digital sketches for the poster design 
color palette
Traditional printmaking process on linoleum 
"Tea with Lemon: Relief for Flu", 2023
linocut 12,5x15,5 cm each

"Tea with Lemon:Relief for Flu", 2023


"Tea with Lemon:Relief for Flu", 2023
