[EN] This artwork was inspired by something different than music, but still, by a universe that I'm a huge fan of: The Lord of the Rings. I grew up playing RPG games and at a very young age I became aware of the great universe created by Tolkien, of whom I became a huge fan, to the point of reading all books, even the most boring ones. I remember a scene from one of the films, in which Thranduil appears riding a large elk, and I ended up being inspired by it to make this artwork, with the little elf riding a deer meeting the girl in this enchanted forest.

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[PT-BR] Essa arte foi inspirada em algo diferente de música, mas ainda assim, num universo do qual sou realmente fã: O Senhor dos Anéis. Cresci jogando jogos de RPG e muito novo tomei conhecimento do universo criado por Tolkien, de quem tornei-me um grande fã, a ponto de ler todos os livros, mesmo os mais chatos. Lembro de uma cena de um dos filmes, em que Thranduil aparece montando um grande alce e acabei me inspirando nela para fazer essa arte, com a pequena elfa montada num veado encontrando a menina nessa floresta encantada. 

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Mario Koller © 2011 -2023​​​​​​​
Enchanted Forest

Enchanted Forest
