This new kitchen device (jelly maker) enhances the leisure experience and solves the metabolic burden of
nutritious supplements by making jelly. Since guideless or overtaking supplements are dangerous, this aims to create a new habit and attitude from an enjoyable solution. As a teamwork, we have done desk research on the commercial food trend and found that elastic foods, like jelly and bubble tea, have an intensive emerging frequency on the market. Furthermore, the semi-structured interviews with twenty young people illustrate that the elasticity and plasticity of this type of foods positively improve young' s appreciation towards them. With Generation Z’s deep concern for health supplements, therefore, we consider the process of making jelly can integrate with vitamin augments because the limited temperature is compatible. Doing this allows additional nutrition to be placed in a different medium, diluting fat-soluble vitamins, and the liver has less pressure.

Product Structure and Components

The Cooling System

Further Development

Scroll the circle-shaped screen to select the modes and the relevant time, temperature, and stirring speed.

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