[inactive ]'s profile

Artwork - Snoopy x Joji - Slow Dancing in the Dark

I adore Peanuts a lot, and am enamored by Charlie Brown & Snoopy. Earlier this year, someone started to make edits for fun on the internet, with Snoopy beside movie characters, or musicians. I wanted to make one of my own, where I could draw him and indulge in my fascination for the character.

I thought Joji fit really well with the dramatic-bordering-on-humorous tones of Charlie Brown. If anyone would have a dog like Snoopy, it would be Joji. These are some illustrations I made and edited into frames from one of his amazing music videos
Also HAD to make a disclaimer, so people wouldn't worry
Artwork - Snoopy x Joji - Slow Dancing in the Dark

Artwork - Snoopy x Joji - Slow Dancing in the Dark
