Creating an unfair advantage content is somehow, unfair, on my part, because it has to live up to its own standards of being, from the word itself, UNFAIR. I have made a print ad about it a few months ago so it should be easy for me to do it again, however, this is teamwork and I was not just handling a singular unfair trait or skill thus the pressure was at its peak! 

Fortunately for me, at that time, I was also anticipating the new NETFLIX series based on Edgar Allan Poe’s short story The Fall of the House of Usher so I took the greater chance of watching all its promotional teasers and trailers to hype myself for its world premiere, and there I got this idea or inspiration to craft and conceptualize this reel about our team’s unfair advantage.

I think at that time I want to portray our unfair advantage in an elite or exquisite way. I wanted frames to symbolize the prominence of our skills, talents, and aptitudes in production, to be specific. Frames, particularly vintage frames, are symbols of a respected image of a person, of a memory that contains richness, and of this powerful personality that can be an enigma when provoked or disturbed. Hence, I want us to be seen as having an unfair advantage in a much intense and darker approach.

We were like the children of Logan Roy, or hateful offspring of Roderick Usher. Perhaps I can say that I’m done in creating humble personification for ourselves, since it was an UNFAIR advantage then I wouldn’t really mind making it more proud or a little boastful. As a matter of fact that was the point of the dark hue or shadowy effects, or the vignette, because it gives a message that the elegance of these people with their skills make them advantageous, but those were also what made it unfair for them to the point of such becoming darker and bolder.

Each member of the team represents a color of unfairness in order to highlight what makes it unfair.
When we were discussing her writing skills as her unfair advantage, I didn’t just see her as a writer being succumbed to words and letters, she also has the authority to command that her works will be done in reality, every written statement in the page must come to life in her fiery and passionate compass. SHE IS A RED DRAGON that has the leadership skill to write and act on what is written!
By means of venomous it is the fact that he does his unfair advantage in a trickier, much poisonous when not interpreted the way it needs to be interpreted, and sneakier because of its unexpected funny effect when it gets to your system when he starts to hold the microphone and opens his mouth. Yes, HE IS THE PURPLE PHYTON of our team, our pride, our offense and defense, our sharp-tongued emcee.
You have to obey her instructions, her commands, and demands as your production assistant or else you will find yourself standing in your place. She is not mad, she is not angry, it’s just her eyes that speak louder than words, hence she is the GREEN QUEEN of the production team, the most dangerous of us all. 
The laptop is already hot. Eyes are in tears. Head is warm. Everything is burning! Because it is his passion to do editing, merging and overlaying clips, and making sense of what things and graphics are merged. He is burning indeed, burning off due to the passion that is lit and matched to him. He is called THE YELLOW LION who growls after the work was rendered, and loves to be a predator of outputs that needed editing.
The power of the lights in the palm of his hands! He spins and spins, and when his hands make a spin, the lights spin as well. His prowess as a lighting director creates a captivating effect for the stage, for the performers, and for the audience as well. He’s like making a pretty trick to put elegance and wonder to the event. THE WHITE MAGICIAN indeed is our lighting director.
This must’ve been the most comprehensive and darkest content that I have patched up, from the concept itself, usage of colors, and putting together of the theme, just to create a different approach and tone on what it means to have an unfair advantage. Perhaps I can write a story or screenplay inspired by this work!

Mari Francesca Maniquis | Ramon Kyle Abay-abay |
Chamique Garcia | Rudolfo Isaac Sicalbo
Meet the Unfair Team
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Meet the Unfair Team

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