2023 Auto Guangzhou Audi Press Conference

2023 Auto Guangzhou Audi Press Conference

For the first time, FF applied a digital wave screen at a press conference to make the 3D wave screen interact with the main screen, presenting the "digital stage" with an effect of digital interaction.
At the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Motor Show, Audi presented the future lifestyle with innovative technology and design philosophy. FF applied the digital wave screen at press conference for the first time to create the interaction between the digital wave screen and main screen, and show the performance of digital interaction.



The “digital small squares’ were fade in and out, looping around the Q6 e-tron to create the atmosphere of digital interaction.
Stage explanation
3D wave screen action
Countdown & Opening


The press conference began with countdown video and opening video. The countdown was presented through the action of the digital wave screen.
3D wave screen action
Q6 e-tron

数字波浪屏与交互光带互动,演绎Charging、Unlock、Welcome、Ready;数字波浪屏与主屏互动,共同演绎Q6 e-tron的产品亮点。全新奥迪Q6 e-tron原型车揭开神秘面纱,震撼亮相。以独树一帜的纯电新豪华体验开启豪华出行新篇章。

The digital wave screen interacted with the Interact Light to perform Charging, Unlock, Welcome, and Ready; and interacted with the main screen to perform the product highlights of Q6 e-tron.
3D wave screen action


The all new Audi SQ7 Dark edition roared in with a roar of V8 engine, accompanied with high-energy images and stage lighting effect, creating a powerful show part.

Client - FAW  Audi

Director - Justin Wu
Creative Director - Mika Yao  

Project Manager - Carmen Wang
Stage Design - Zhao liang
Visual Director - Fantasy Wang

Art Director - Fantasy Wang,Du chuang
Design Director - Kang kang
Project Co-ordination - Mengqi
CGI Lighting/VFX/Rendering/Compositing -Shun zi,Liang,Miao xiaoli,Liu pu,
Wang Zhonghao,Zhi gang
Video Editor - Kelvin Leow
Style Frames Design - Fantasy Wang
Additional Graphic Support - Feng hang,Tan Shengyu
2023 Auto Guangzhou Audi Press Conference

2023 Auto Guangzhou Audi Press Conference
