Profil użytkownika „Juan Zou”

Poster for movie Peter the Rodent

Project title: Poster for the release of movie Peter the Rodent 
Task: Poster design for announcing the release of movie Peter the Rodent 
Mandate :
• Peter the Rodent is intended for a family audience, but primarily for children aged 5 to 12. 
• Peter the Rodent is both a comedy and an adventure movie. 
• The main character is Peter, a rodent who looks somewhere between a hamster and a guinea pig. At the beginning of the movie, Peter manages to escape from his cage, which sets him off on many adventures where he will meet various characters. 
• The movie is produced using traditional animation techniques, but adopts a fairly modern visual style. 
Poster for movie Peter the Rodent

Poster for movie Peter the Rodent
