Profilo di Nori R

Bookazine Project: Axon

Axon Bookazine
Axon is a conceptual magazine that focuses on common phenomena from a psychological perspective. This publication is future-forward and optimistic in tone. The theme for this issue was innovation and the futuristic aspects of the present. For this project, I created an 8x10 bookazine consisting of 32 pages. 

There is a finite number of magazine publications that involve psychology. From the few publications I have seen, the tone was always focused on tabloid or self-help. I was inspired by the way Omni Magazine tackled psychological topics within their publication. From there, I explored different ways in which data was visualized. At first, the name of the publication was going to be Etera, then Innova. Those choices felt more akin to fantasy publications rather than psychological ones.  I chose the name axon because it is a part of a brain cell. I wanted to experiment with a color pallet that was very minimal since my projects are usually saturated. I decided upon the theme of innovation and futuristic aspects of the present because the study of psychology is ever-changing. I wanted to play with the concept of inversion as well. 
Moodboard containing previous name iteration and typographic inspiration.

Most of my research consisted of studying various ways to experiment with layout and typography. Other research consisted of finding articles that matched the theme and tone of the publication. Most importantly, I researched which colors were associated with psychology, general sciences, and the outside environment.
Various color experiments derived from images associated with a clinical setting.
When sourcing articles, I searched for ones with bibliographies that linked to professional resources. Most articles were in the third person besides some of the features. I wanted to find articles that dealt with interesting contemporary topics. I wanted to further utilize the concept of inversion with the topics themselves, switching from the common to the abstract. An example of this is that one of the chosen articles was about how autumn makes us feel, and the other was about how futuristic fonts create a present utopia. 

Type Experiments
The type system was difficult to figure out. I wanted a contrast between contemporary/innovative with scholarly. To achieve this, the header needed to be a sans-serif that was the opposite of the humanist type, and the body had to be a sophisticated serif. My final choice for the header was Alfabet, and for the body it was calluna.
Various type experiments.
Skeleton spreads to test type in action.

Logo Sketches
Axon is to be sophisticated combined with experimental. I really wanted to showcase that with the logo. I hand-lettered a blocky serif to showcase this. My first drafts were not legible and felt sci-fi instead of scientific.
Logo drafts consisting of various typefaces.
Final hand-lettered logo.
Spread Sketches
In the sketching stage, I thought of the theme of inversion and innovation. I played with how inversion would be showcased within spreads and experimented with a design that used the gutter as an element of structure. Sometimes the gutter served as the axis from which the inversion took place. Other times, it is what united spread together. I also planned on experimented with inversion by illustrating with different mediums.
Sketches are in order LtR: Cover, Front Brief, Text Feature, Contents, Visual Feature, and lastly, the Flatplans.

Finalized Brand Standards.
Table of contents drafts.
Final Bookazine
I enjoyed illustrating with different mediums. I liked experimenting with the concept of inversion through shifts in medium, stories, spread composition, and typography.  The process was fun and exciting. This project solidified my love for publication design and I hope to expand this idea in the future.
Bookazine Project: Axon


Bookazine Project: Axon
