Anne-Lise Paris's profile

Gender imbalances in scientific publications

O B J E C T I V E :
A scientific article is chosen by the editor to be highlighted in communications.
A specific graph or set of data will be redesigned to present the core message of the article. The aim is then to summarize the article's data in one image.

E D I T O R :
A R T I C L E :
C O M M U N I C A T I O N   W I T H   T H I S   I M A G E :
C O N C E P T :
In this article, researchers study the gender imbalance observed for authors of scientific publications, and especially among top-cited authors.
To emphasize the main subject of the infographics, the male and female symbols are used throughout the artwork. Additionally, a very simple illustration of a man and a woman will be integrated to further highlight the subject. 

S T Y L E :
The main elements of the artwork are the gender symbols used to present data. 
Since these will be the focus of the artwork, the rest of the elements should stay quite simple.

C O L O R S :

O R I G I N A L   D A T A :

A R T W O R K :
Gender imbalances in scientific publications


Gender imbalances in scientific publications
