03 | Typography
ISTD - International Society of Typographic Designers
This project received a pass from the 2023 ISTD Student Assessment Scheme
Brief Summary
Brief 1: Open | Close. Using the opening and closing chapter of a chosen book, that is out of copyright, create a radical re-imagining of the content through typography.

Project Deliverables
05. Supporting imagery

Design Strategy

For the 2023 ISTD Student Assessment, I selected the brief themed ‘Open | Close’ which required me to choose a book from any genre that is out of copyright and re-imagining how a designer can use typography to enhance the story. 

I chose The Turn of the Screw since it is a classic Gothic horror story with an ambiguous twist. Originally written as a ghost story, little hints within the story make the reader question if the governess character is seeing ghosts, or if she is going mad. The Turn of the Screw tells a tale that is ever winding up, tightening with every turn of the screw. Not one, but two children are haunted by adults from their past, and as we as readers begin to suspect, adults from their present too. The story covers themes from the supernatural, secrecy, deceptive appearances, and the corruption of early childhood.

As a retelling of this Gothic horror that has been a favourite amongst readers for over a century, this book design aims to breathe new life into the story. To convey the theme of corruption, ink, and water are used as a metaphor for the classic struggle between good and evil. 

The novel starts with the governess arriving at her new post at Bly Manor. She is enthralled with the grounds and the younger of the children in her care. For the time being, nothing seems amiss, but occurrences like the governess hearing phantom footsteps and a child crying foreshadow what might unfold within this story. The design approach for this first chapter follows a more structured, appealing design. 

The final chapter in this novel reaches the climax of the story. The chapter can be interpreted in a multitude of ways, but it boils down to the question if the governess was experiencing supernatural occurrences or if she is losing her mind. In the end, it does not matter, the forces of evil and adult corruption win, and one of the children in her care's heart stops beating and dies. The chaos of this chapter is translated through the use of breaking most typographic rules as can be seen on the second to last spread.
The typography on the book cover is hand-rendered. This ghostly effect was achieved by painting the words with ink on wet paper and photographing them while still wet. From there the image was inverted and edited in Photoshop.
Chapter 1 spreads
Final chapter spreads
03 | Typography


03 | Typography
