Profil Kristina Grozić

Infographic - Verticillium Wilt (Filamentous Fungi)

Verticillium wilt is a complex disease represented by several fungal species affecting more than 400 different host plants. Species causing Verticillium wilt belong to the genera Verticillium. The genera Verticillium is one of the older genera of filamentous fungi. This genera was established by Nees von Esenbeck back in 1817. The species of this genera are challenging to identify, but there are significant differences in their morphology. The most important keys in their identification are resting structures (microslerotium and/or resting mycelium) and conidia (CABI Compendium).

Verticillium wilt is a significant fungal disease and part of my PhD thesis. My goal was to raise the awareness on this genera and contribute with key information to the scientific community.

This infographic was created with icons from BioRender, but specific parts like microsclerotium, conidia, and conidiophore were illustrated using different shapes.
This template is publicly available to all BioRender users at and I created it within the BioRender Creator Program. I hope you will like it and use it for your scientific communication!
Infographic - Verticillium Wilt (Filamentous Fungi)

Infographic - Verticillium Wilt (Filamentous Fungi)


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