   The symbolism of the Chinese zodiac has surprisingly and mysteriously intersected in graphic expression
  with the Russian language:
   is the character for "pig".
 家 the same character under "roof" means "family"
 🐽 Pigs occupy an important place in world religion, mythology and culture.
🐽 For example, Varaha the Pig (Sanskrit: वराह, Varāha) is the third of Vishnu's avatars.
🐽 And in some sources it is stated that Zeus was fed by a pig.
In many peoples historically the pig has been associated with fertility, abundance, prosperity, wealth and happiness.
🐽 It has penetrated into modern life as well.
🐽 For example, the German idioms "Schweineglück", "Schwein gehabt", "das nenne ich Schwein"
mean great luck, good fortune, happiness.
🐽 In English, the word "piggy bank" is consonant with the English word "pig".
🐽 The piggy banks were universally made in the form of pigs.
🐽 In Russian, the word "family" has a wonderful homonym "7-ya" which means "seven Me".
🐽 And the number "seven" at all times in different parts of the world was given a special, divine meaning. Seven gods of luck. Seven seals, seven days of creation, seven bowls of wrath, seven thunders, seven golden candlesticks, seven heads of the beast, seven bogatyrs, seven ages of man.
🐽 Rome is built on seven hills.
🐽 Under a fig tree with seven fruits sat the Buddha.
🐽 The seven continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
🐽 The week has seven days.
🐽 The spectrum consists of seven primary colors.
🐽 There are seven notes in music.
🐽 The golden pig as an archetype of the mother, the progenitor of everything.
🐽 Material: offspring, wealth, fertility, abundance.
🐽 And non-material: music, painting, etc.

🐽Thank you🐽
The concept "seven" & pig-family
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The concept "seven" & pig-family

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