Carolina Foltran profili

Social Media Campaign - TNG | UNINOVE

Atividade do curso superior de Publicidade e Propaganda da UNINOVE

[PT] Essa campanha teve como a estratégia escolhida para divulgar um evento da nova fase da marca TNG compartilhando informações acompanhados de teasers estimulantes e atrativos nas principais plataformas digitais da marca. Os conteúdos serão veiculados com um leve teor "sensacionalista" com o intuito de despertar e prender a atenção dos consumidores para saber o que de fato está para acontecer com a TNG.

[ENG] This campaign had as the strategy chosen to publicize an event of the new phase of the TNG brand by sharing information accompanied by stimulating and attractive teasers on the brand's main digital platforms. The content will be broadcast with a slight "sensationalist" content with the aim of awakening and holding the attention of consumers to find out what is actually about to happen with TNG.

Social Media Campaign - TNG | UNINOVE
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Social Media Campaign - TNG | UNINOVE

Assignment made for the higher education course of Adversiting at UNINOVE.

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