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shoot seven - Katharine House

Research - Karina Fuller
Karina Fuller is a former student at the University of Suffolk, she did a project of charity shops, showing the behind the scenes, volunteers and the shop floor. Her photos were taken on black and white film. 
I really like these images, and the range of angles, for my own project I will take inspiration for this, however I will take them in colour as this matches my style better and I prefer the look of colour images rather than monochrome. 
There wasn't a lot of information on her website about her project, so I decided to email her, to ask her some questions about what made her photograph and charity shop and if there's a message behind the project. She's still yet to get back to me.
katharine house charity shop
Katharine House charity shop is a charity shop near to house, I wanted to visit one more local to show how everyone can access good quality clothing, and how it can be very easy not to buy from fast fashion brands and you can easily be more sustainable. 
Contact Sheets
Working Images
These are the images I found to be most successful, I took photos of not only the clothes and accessories but also the records, and books they had on offer. I thought this was important to show as charity shops don't also predominantly sell clothing, there's lots of other things you can purchase.

I found the lighting in the charity shop was very dull and orange toned, this made the lighting on dome of the photos not great. However, I can try to alter this in post producing when editing my images. But overall I like how the images turned out. 
shoot seven - Katharine House

shoot seven - Katharine House


Creative Fields