Profil Montanna Palazzola

Noisy Studios 4/4, "To Detach!"

To Detach, Noisy Studios. For this project, we had to design and illustration flyers for a fictional studio that we create. Along with the 4 flyers we had to choose a theme, and 4 words or sayings, that related to the theme. They had to be metaphors. This was for my Concept Illustration class. chose the theme of noise negatively affecting a dog character (Gus) that I created. The “noise” origin comes from my experience with anxiety. “To Detach” in particular, is how anxiety detaches me from reality. In this illustration, we see Gus on the floor tangled in his headphones, with his laptop and pink chair in the background. This is a follow up, to the “To Disturb” illustration.
Digital. Adobe Illustrator. Spring, March 2023.
The sketch that I scanned into Adobe Illustrator.
The red watercolor texture I used for the chair.
The blue watercolor texture I used for Gus's shirt.
The wall texture I used for the wall background.
The brown paper bag texture I used for Gus's fur.
Noisy Studios 4/4, "To Detach!"

Noisy Studios 4/4, "To Detach!"
