Just Go With It.
Three-Layer Screen Print Pattern
Just Go With It is a screen printed poster of three layers, and going with its conceptual theme, it repeats itself when multiple prints are placed together. The design started as a doodle in my planner, and was later found and transformed into a draft for the final design. Starting as a graphite sketch, the pattern was brought into Procreate initially, then into Adobe Illustrator to ensure the print would line up with itself. The final steps were to print the layers of the design onto copy paper to use in the emulsion screen printing process, and pick my colors! With such a playful design, I couldn't go wrong with an eye-catching orange and blue. 
The concept behind this piece aligns with much of my Fine Art work. A common theme is intuition- the same place where all of my daily doodles derive from. The subconscious is a fun place to explore, so I use it to my advantage, especially when art school is demanding of a creative brain. I like to go with what I have- doodles in my planner and notebooks are available pieces of art that reflect my real world - for example, the cowboy boot, the teeth and the martini glasses are a reflection of a new friend I had made during the creation of this piece. While some of the imagery is more random, it came from my brain and I just decided to go with it! 
Screen Print

Screen Print
