Vance Lyes profil

Unicult//It's Nice That

Unicult is a project by “Its Nice That” a publishing platform set up by a student at Brighton University to champion creativity across the arts & design world. The term “UNICULT” is meant to describe the unification of designers from different specialism to come together to showcase and share their skills to others, thus the tagline “UNIFYING UNIQUES”. Using a Unicorn to represent the whole project is because Unicorns are mystical & unfathomable, which we believe are what designers all aim to do, to create wonder. The design of the cd sleeve is from the wordplay of the “ITS NICE THAT” using the word nice, we create a combination of different visual forms of what is nice.
The Video
The concept was to create a viral video to spread the idea of cross-disciplinary design, using the unicorn as a test subject on how many ways something can evolve when used across the multi-disciplines of design.
Unicult//It's Nice That

Unicult//It's Nice That

Using an design community platform to promote collaborative work.


Kreativa områden