Profil von Juliette Mckinley

Dream Daddy Professor challenge

Hackathon 4 hour Art-style challenge 
Originally, freshman year, as a joke I mentioned a possible Hackathon idea where I would turn my professors into a dating simulator. Not wanting to be weird I decided to hold off on the idea. Now as a junior in passing I made the joke to both professors and to my surprise I met with enthusiasm and encouragement. Recently I watched a play through of the game Dream Daddy (a dad dating simulator) and thought it would be kind of fun to replicate the style. So for my Hackathon I did two full body (minus the feet) drawings in the art style of dream daddy seeing if I could not only replicate the style but also keep the likeness of my professors. 
Before the Hackathon I started with a test sketch of one of my professors seeing if I could actually get close to the style as a hello world. I used both game characters and the professor as a reference blending the two. 
Heres the initial rough sketch of both professors I finished in the first hour constantly switching between game references, poses and professor pictures. The professor on the left requested to be in a suit ,while the one on the right didn't give me an outfit. I put him in a leather biker jacket since he has a motor cycle and it was easy to replicate an already existing character's biker jacket and pose. 
finished line art from the sketch 
flat/ base colors which start to really bring the piece together.
basic shading of clothes and overlays on the line art.
What I was able to get done in the first 4 hours and presented 
Then after the hack-aton I added the final extra details . I cleaned up the shading and added fun little details. The professor on the left teaches coding so I put processing code on his tie. Then I put our majors logo on the professor on the right. 
Dream Daddy Professor challenge

Dream Daddy Professor challenge

