"Theseus?!" A hiss, at an empty hallway. The torchlight didn't make it far enough to see the end, but as with the previous one - a dead end.
"Zeus' be damned" the man spoke. "If I knew we'd end up in like, no amount of coin would persuade me... Theseus?!" The soldier hissed again, wary not to speak too loudly...
"Here... Help..." a faint voice, from distant halls. Markus stood still, as if surprised to hear an answer. Markus looked down to his feet and saw a little thread. The man picked it up and started to follow in the direction of the sounds.
"Help...!" The voice echoed again, Markus, still afraid, readied his spear, still holding the little thread in his hand.
"Theseus! Say something! I'm near you!" The soldier said, quietly. The monster... Behind him! Markus turned around, weapon ready!
He followed the thread.
"Help..." A pained groan has hit Markus' ears. Should he go back?
He marched on, peeked his head from the corner, and saw a body... Standing with his fist inside Theseus. He... Was still alive. It was then that Markus realized, and Minotaur spoke:
"Help..." in a cruel imitation, the beast whispered. Theseus reached out his hand - or what remained of it - and begged for death.
Markus froze in fear, and just as he was supposed to turn around and leave, the minotaur looked at Theseus' arm and saw the soldier...
The scream was heard even from beyond the labyrinth.

Lore by my dearest friend Franek Grabarczyk.




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