Axolotions are a homebrew dnd race of aquatic creatures that live in the deepest depths of the oceans. Much like their real life axolotl counterparts, they come in a variety of different patterns and colors known as "morphs". This project explores the art and culture of what these Axolotions look like. 
Example of an Axolotion Sorcerer, of the Melanoid morph type. 
Example of a Axolotion Hybrid or Half-Breed: Note the antler like frills and unique red markings.
Morph Type: White & Black Firefly 
Morph Type: GFP with Piebald spotting 
Morph Type: Black & Red Mosaic 
Morph Type: Grey & Red Dalmatian 
A rare example of fire magic (or spectral fire in this case) being used by an Axolotion. 
Note: Fire is extremely dangerous to Axolotions due to a fine oil coating their skin. 
Left (Salazar): An Lavender Morph. Right (Kiki): An Albino Morph.  
Axolotions prefer loose, breathable, semi-waterproof fabrics, with adornments of gold and pearl jewelry. 
Axolotions in their native habitat use their tails to wrap around rocks and coral when sleeping to avoid being swept away by strong currents. 
Morph Type: Black and Pink Firefly with Heterochromia 
Most Axolotions have a lean body type best suited for casting magic. Axolotions that do take up the sword however have a higher range of movement and advantage carrying up to three weapons at a time. One for each hand, and one for their prehensile tail. Axolotions are not particularly durable however and sport softer skin. 
Morph Type: Yellow and Brown Mosaic 
Female Axolotions tend to have spotted markings where their eyebrows would be and a singular dot in the center of their brow/forehead.
An example of some of the many adorements an Axolotion would wear. Gold and pearls are often the most common.
Salazar showing off one of his many, many outfits. This man was definitely a bard in his past life...
Salazar's love of human culture has him adorn many different outfits in his travels. This happens to be one of his favorites for travel. 
The most common type of magic for Axolotions is water, ice, lightning, and healing. 
It is almost unheard of for Axolotions to use fire magic as they themselves are very flammable. Their bodies coated in a fine oil that keeps them from drying out when out of the water. 
The original image that started this series! 
Salazar is an Axolotion druid, with an axolotl named Meep as his familiar. 
All Axolotions have the ability to understand axolotls due to similar genetic structure. 
Axolotion Artwork


Axolotion Artwork
