Doll World

Character and Environment Development,
Themed Illustrations in the Series,
Fashion Design in Marvelous Designer
My variation of Barbie doll, inspired by the famous premiere of the film.
It is light, airy and flying look, complemented with a pearl bag and cute accessories.
I gave her gentle facial features, blonde hairs and flirty eyes.
I created cozy accessories for my doll. It's a small pearl bag that holds the most important things for a girl: lipstick, shadows, a bottle of perfume.
Another essential thing for a young girl – a personal diary, a beautiful pen
and a favorite gum.

For the final composition, I put the doll in a branded box with the most favorite things.
Such would be my doll Barbie. :)
Thank you for watching! My instagram berletova3d
Doll World

Doll World
