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QILIXIANG Wolfberry puree | 枸杞原浆包装

Qil­iX­i­ang ad­heres to the con­cept of "light health," ded­i­cated to pro­vid­ing a new and con­ve­nient, healthy, nat­ural, and nu­tri­tious lifestyle for the younger gen­er­a­tion. Dur­ing our re­search, we cap­tured some ma­te­ri­als re­lated to the orig­i­nal ecol­ogy of Ningxia. An in­ter­est­ing dis­cov­ery emerged: dur­ing the ripen­ing process of goji berries, lo­cal birds al­ways choose the large or red and trans­par­ent ones, in­di­cat­ing that birds are ex­perts in se­lect­ing high-qual­ity fruits in a nat­ural eco­log­i­cal en­vi­ron­ment. The se­lec­tion of large fruits by birds con­veys the con­cepts of na­ture, ecol­ogy, and re­con­struc­tion.
Through the "dig­i­ti­za­tion" sell­ing point and a com­bi­na­tion of dif­fer­ent birds se­lect­ing large fruits, we ex­tended the en­tire se­ries pack­ag­ing. While vi­su­ally high­light­ing dif­fer­ences, it main­tains an over­all uni­fied brand ex­pe­ri­ence, sig­nif­i­cantly en­hanc­ing con­sumer re­pur­chase ef­fi­ciency. "0" ad­di­tives, red goji berry pulp is free from col­orants, preser­v­a­tives, sugar, and ar­ti­fi­cial fla­vors. "1" step nearly, black goji berries are de­liv­ered di­rectly from the place of ori­gin to con­sumers, en­sur­ing fresh­ness and high qual­ity. "2" re­com­bi­na­tion in­tro­duces an in­no­v­a­tive mix of red pome­gran­ate and goji berries, pro­vid­ing a dou­ble dose of nu­tri­tion. "3" times the vi­t­a­min C, with seabuck­thorn con­tain­ing mul­ti­ples of or­di­nary fruits and three times more than kiwi.
This se­ries of de­sign and con­cepts not only high­light the unique­ness of the prod­uct but also align with the mod­ern young con­sumer's pur­suit of health and nat­u­ral­ness.
QILIXIANG Wolfberry puree | 枸杞原浆包装

QILIXIANG Wolfberry puree | 枸杞原浆包装


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