缪 商商 님의 프로필

Painting&trace 画·迹 (2)

Painting&trace  画·迹  (2)

I painted these sketches during my journey in Anhui province China(中国安徽省) .Some were finished in Hong Village(宏村) in Southern Anhui,the others were finished in Medicine economic(査济).I thought I could put them in order then typset one book ,so I would read my memory easily.
It is a meaningful chance for me .
Thank you for your viewing and encouragement. :)

1.Ups and downs 枯荣
2.Trailing 蔓生
3.Flower 花
4.Trailing 藤户
5.Flounder 辗转
6.Vegetation 草木
7.Years 年岁
Pen:Unipin line fine0.05_0.1
Software:Adobe Illustrator CS4
Time:2011(paint) 2013(arrange)
Painting&trace 画·迹 (2)

Painting&trace 画·迹 (2)

2011 sketch


크리에이티브 분야