Jess Laces profil

EasyFit Branding

TV Channel Poject
Channel creation and brand development over a series of different medias |  including poster, stationary, graphics (idents) and online media (website). Enjoy.
FINAL LOGOS | Colour & Black and White versions
DEVELOPMENT | Manipulated scanned sketches & colour combination testing
POSTER | Watercolour textures and final poster
STATIONARY | For the project a letterhead, compliments slip and business cards were made. Shown here: Business Cards
WEBSITE | Web design and excecution
IDENTS | 30second advertisements for Easyfit television channel
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EasyFit Branding

EasyFit Branding

For this project I was required to come up with a new television channel which I then branded, from creation of a logo right through to stationar Läs mer
