I love keyboards.
I also love customizing stuff. 
So when Dustsilver — a keyboard producer — announced a design contest with a custom keyboard as a prize, it was a nobrainer. 
I had to participate and I had to win.

Participants had to merely modify the provided template and then post their layouts on a special page and vote for the best one.
For me, as always, that wasn't enough.

First, I've decided that I need a 3D render of a keyboard.
For some reason.
A 3D render, yaaay!..
Yaaay, right?..

Well... wrong.

It was absolutely crucial for this keyboard to be a part of big alien universe with spaceships and aliens that look like flying goo, slo-mo, black holes, marmalade clouds and anime explosions.
Trust me, I am an expert.

But it still lacks something.
Ah, yes, desk shots!

To be exact, day...
...and night versions of desk shots.
To be clear, those renders had exactly zero impact on my chances of winning the first place...

I won
Happy end!
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