For this assignment, we were working with TU Dublin’s Students Learning with Communities (SLWC). Working in pairs, each team has the option of working with two community partners to work with as a client. The two community partners were Claremont Stadium or Phibsboro Village. Representatives from each community partner briefed the class about the project and identify its deliverables. As a pair, it was our reasonability to respond to this briefing. Through research, engagement, and site visits to formulate our own brief, taking the needs identified by the client in the context of a broad understanding of the community with whom you are working.
Rain Water Planter Banner
‘The aim of this project is to create a visual cohesiveness across all areas under the 'Phibsboro Garden' name. Creating a strong visual identity will attract new members of the community to partake in their goal for biodiversity’. After the briefing with Phibsboro Village, my partner and I conducted an in-depth analysis of the organisation through online research and physical site visits. What instantly stood out to us as an issue was the lack of a consistent visual identity.
Phibsboro Gardens Leaflet
After visiting all five community projects spread across Phibsboro, we felt it was difficult for the public to know each location is related to each other. We wanted to fix this by creating a strong visual identity that clearly connects each area. Doing this by introducing a new name, logo, posters and signs will allow the public to encounter and engage with the community projects easier, and hopefully inspire them to get involved themselves.
Phisbsboro Gardens
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Phisbsboro Gardens

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