I collaborated with Bankly to craft a captivating motion graphics app promotion for their mobile application. Our primary objective was to spotlight the application's key advantages, which include:
 1. 2% Discount on Bills: Bankly offers users a fantastic 2% discount on their bills, helping them save money effortlessly. 
2. Save and Earn 12%: With Bankly, you can not only save your money securely but also earn an impressive 12% interest on your savings. 
3. Group Contributions: The application facilitates seamless group contributions, making it easier for friends and family to collaborate financially. 
4. Fail-Safe Transfers: Bankly ensures that your transfers are reliable and never fail, providing peace of mind when managing your finances.
 5. Earn Extra Cash: Users have the opportunity to earn extra cash through Bankly, enhancing their financial well-being.  
Bankly App Promo Animation


Bankly App Promo Animation
