Jamie Zimmermanns profil

Storyboard continuation

- Storyboard continuation - 
Our last task in communication design was to create a 16 frame storyboard using 2 photos of our BHM posters. This week, were were given a new brief to further develop these storyboards.

Our brief was to create a character, environment or letter form from our storyboard. 

As part of our brief we were told not to over plan and design where our storyboard would go but instead, experiment with different imagery and media and see what felt right. 
I knew that I didn't wish to create a letter form as my storyboard was almost entirely letter and code so it wouldn't allow me to develop the idea much further.

Instead, I chose to experiment with creating an environment or a character
I was immediately drawn to creating a skeleton as visually it made the most sense from the forms that were already present. 
I then tried to loosely imagine what the forms used in the previous storyboard could create. Instead of seeing them as what they used to be - code with a meaning- but instead seeing them simply as shapes and colours which I could find in common with other imagery.
After experimenting with different imagery, I decided that the skeleton design had the best continuity from the final frame in my storyboard and also would be the most fun to draw.

I kept to the theme of the design becoming more solid and saturated as the the frames went by. I tried to put more planning into the shape of the black form and allowing the other aspects to be looser, especially in application.
Storyboard continuation

Storyboard continuation


Kreativa områden