Francina Careta Corronss profil

Lifesum: Marketing rebrand

Trends seem to indicate that the time of crazy diets and strict calorie counting might be nearing its dawn. That is why Lifesum has been working hard to reposition their product, from a calorie counter or dieting app to a powerful tool that can be used to maintain a healthy lifestyle through balanced and tailored nutrition. This has manifested in a change of language and visuals that had to be brought to their performance marketing. And here is where Twigeo stepped in.

As a Creative strategist and lead, I have supported Lifesum throughout their journey, with strategy, ideation and by producing top tier performance creatives, to show off their new brand and help reposition their value proposition. This wouldn't have been possible without extensive ground work in aligning my agency team and all the talent on the client's side.

These are some of the latest video concepts we developed for their most important campaigns: summer and January. These are geared towards upper funnel initiatives.

Finally this is an example of a concept design for retargeting and other lower funnel user acquisition:

Lifesum: Marketing rebrand

Lifesum: Marketing rebrand


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